Aenean maximus feugiat tincidunt. Nam et ultrices quam. Duis eu sollicitudin turpis, ac laoreet massa. Praesent nibh velit, accumsan sed fermentum a, finibus ultricies mi! Cras scelerisque magna eu sapien bibendum; non porta mauris pulvinar. Aliquam ullamcorper consectetur lectus a blandit. Sed facilisis laoreet ipsum, sit amet tincidunt leo porttitor condimentum? Maecenas dapibus, erat vitae elementum ultrices, nunc magna ornare magna, id porta elit sem et mi. Proin vitae nibh nunc. Integer a sapien ligula.

A great place to meet new people, have great conversations and give back to the community. The Elks have given me a sense of family and belonging to something bigger than just myself. So happy I joined the Elks!
High energy, fun group of people that enjoy volunteerism, fellowship and a drink with dancing.
The friendliest place in town! Always something to do, enjoy or get involved in!
Elks Club is a wonderful way to meet other people. They have many lodges throughout the USA. Many perks like fine dinners, RV parking available at many of them and very friendly people. The wife and I enjoyed our stay at Lodge 823 and will speak highly of them at our lodge in Gig Harbor.

The Elks has given me joy by being part of something bigger.
Becoming a member of the Elks has given me an opportunity to be more involved in my local community”