Lodge Meeting 7 PM, Dinner 5 PM
Tuesday night meal: Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup. $5 Dinner starts at 5:00 PM *Proceeds go to Elktoberfest. Meeting starts at 7:00 PM Join us, meetings have now changed to bi-monthly.
Tuesday night meal: Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup. $5 Dinner starts at 5:00 PM *Proceeds go to Elktoberfest. Meeting starts at 7:00 PM Join us, meetings have now changed to bi-monthly.
This Saturday at the lodge is a special MENU and guest comedian Alex Elkin. Dinner starts at 5:00 PM Comedian starts at 7:00 PM with opening act Julie Hatfield. You won’t want to miss it! *Comedy show is FREE to members and their guests.
Emblem Club will be having dinner while listening to Bad Motor Scooter. Dinner is a Chicken Dinner with the fabulous salad bar and dessert. Price is $14.00 inclusive and $7.00 for 1 time through the salad bar. Make your reservations to ensure there is a dinner for you. Dinner 6PM – 8PM Music 7PM – 11PM […]
Hearts on Fire A musical duo by Ruth Fox and Jerry Rhinehart. A variety of hits that bring back memories that touch the heart, from the 50’s to present day specializing in pop, light rock, country and a little blues. Dinner: 6PM – 8PM Music: 7PM – 11PM
Please join us in honoring our Flag on Tuesday, June 11th. We will have a short lodge meeting at 7:00pm followed by our Flag Day Ceremony at approximately 7:30pm. This ceremony is Open to the Public. I would encourage each member to attend and bring your children and grandchildren. This is a beautiful ceremony honoring […]
Join us for an “All You Can Eat” Event. $5 gets you entered into a wine raffle and a voting ticket. Vote for your favorite sauce, made by Cal, Gayle & Ruby. *All proceeds benefit lodge kitchen equipment. Dinner 6PM – 8PM Music 7PM – 11PM