Volunteering means giving your time and abilities to aid others without the want of financial compensation. Put simply, volunteering is a service to your community.
Volunteer Opportunities
What is Volunteering?
Why Volunteer?
The benefits of volunteering can last a lifetime—not only for those who you are helping, but for you as well. If you are on the fence about diving into a new volunteer experience or have doubts about whether or not volunteering is right for you, you might find yourself surprised at just how much you can gain from taking the plunge. Also, your volunteering will help others from burning out.
We currently need volunteers for all of our events. We are in need of help in the office, and various positions when we have bands; POS person, wristband person, and general help for different events.
Vancouver Elks Lodge events and charitable efforts are made possible by the many members who generously give their time. We are always looking for new members. If interested, please see this page for more info: http://elks823.org/join-us/
There are many opportunities to help, from setting up tables and serving food at lodge dinners to marching in local parades, being an actor in the haunted house participating in different committees, and even chairing a committee.
Below is a list of our Committees and Chairpersons. If a committee interests you, you can contact the chairperson or you can always email our Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@elks823.com
Committee Chairpersons
Accident Prevention………Marybeth O’Leary
Activities………………………….Brian Buffington
Americanism …………………ER Annie Neil/Tony Sukonik
Auditing ………………………….Greg Orr
Banquets………………………..Trevor Liles
Board………………………………Mark Bradwell
Bucks …………………………….ER Annie Neil
By-Laws………………………….Exalted Ruler, Annie Neil
Children’s Therapy…………PER Ron Taylor/Diana Gauthier-Reid
Club Management………..Marybeth O’Leary
Community Projects…….Traci Kezar
Drug Awareness …………..PER Caroline Bradwell
Elktoberfest…………………..Traci Kezar
Emblem Club…………………Judi Havotec
ENF ………………………………..PER Ron Taylor
Entertainment……………….Mark Bradwell/Tanna McLean
Food Baskets ……………….Diana Gauthier-Reid
Fraternal………………………..Robert Nashif
Govt. Relations……………..TBD
Grants ……………………………PER Ron Taylor
Committee Chairpersons
Hoop Shoot ………………………….Benito Tijerina
Investment……………………………ER Annie Neil
KPTV Toy/Paper Pickup………TBD
Lodge Decorator…………………..Sam Jones/Joy Temple
Membership …………………………ER Annie Neil
Member Health & Safety……..ER Annie Neil
Past Exalted Ruler Association…………PER Diane Nelson
Public Relations …………………Ali Iskenderian
Ritual Coach ……………………….TBD
Scholarships ……………………….Brian Buffington
Snooze Editor ……………………..Ali Iskenderian
Veterans …………………………….Stephen Hansen
Volunteer Coordinator………..Sam Jones/Joy Temple
Webmaster………………………….Ali Iskenderian
Welcome, Home Kits…………..Danny Chavez
Yard Maintenance…………….Mark Bradwell
Youth Activities …………………PER Caroline Bradwell

How to get your Food Handler’s Card:
How to get your WA State MAST Card (to serve alcohol):